Investigate 3 other civilizations’ creation myths and compare it to the Genesis one

Investigate 3 other civilizations’ creation myths and compare it to the Genesis one. What are the similarities? Most importantly, give examples of at least 3 commonalities that all of the stories illustrate, and speculate why those commonalities exist. Research art from early Chinese, Indian, Aboriginal, African, or Native American cultures (choose 3). How do these art forms compare to those included in this chapter? Which are they most like? Least like? Which characteristics of style and function do they share? View the Virtual Lascaux ( Use the interactive tools to explore. Examine at least three areas of the cave and report what you found. Why do you believe that people chose to create art in such an inaccessible place? Research 2 other possible reasons for those paintings’ being created there. In a 20-item list, give the story of the myth of Osiris and Isis (including the Horus part). What was the significance of the myth of Isis and Osiris to the ancient Egyptians? How is it similar to, or how has it influenced, other religions/religious traditions today? In what area(s) today do we see similar ideas? Consider the sculpture Victory Stele of Narem-Sin (Fig. 1.20) What is happening in this depiction? Why would the artist have chosen that particular subject? Describe the purpose of the object in terms of a political statement. What specific features of the relief demonstrate the hierarchy of the figures? Also address the issue of scale of the individual figures in relation to this hierarchy.Investigate Hammurabi’s code: what was it, give examples from it, and why/how did it spread so far? Which one or two laws strike you as the most odd? Which laws are much like today’s? Why would King Hammurabi have written down (okay, carved!) laws in the first place? The ancient Egyptians believed that the actual body must be preserved in order for the spirit to recognize it in the Underworld. Today, there is a new method for disposing of a dead body: This Might Replace Burial or Cremation. It is the 3rd major innovation in body disposal options: first was Egyptian mummification, then cremation, then this one. What was your initial reaction? What would your grandparents think about this method? Your parents? Your friends? Would YOU utilize this method? Why and why not? Can you see both sides? How is a culture’s or religion’s mindset shown by its method of either preserving a body or disposing of a body? Most people believe they know who built the pyramids. However, Dr. Mark Lehner discovered several things that showed who really did it. What did he find? (a list with short explanations for each point is fine here). Why would these discoveries rule out much “slave labor”? Be sure to answer all parts of this questions in detail. Several leaders of Egypt were women. The most famous was Hatshepsut. Research what is known about her life and accomplishments. What happened to her? Why? (guess). Who was Thutmose III and why was he significant to Hatshepsut’s reign? What is the situation with women and leadership in Egypt in the past 100 years? Read the 42 sins from the Book of the Dead listed in the chapter section “Righteousness as the Path to Rebirth.” What similarities do you see between those and other religious codes you may know of? Why do you think those similarities exist? Explain your answer.

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Describe differences between theoretical and experimental probabilities

Performance Task #2 [ALL]
Learning Goal: We are learning to… solve probability and counting problems and design and carry out a
culminating investigation that requires the integration and application of the knowledge and skills related to the
expectations of this course.
Success Criteria Level 4
Describe differences between theoretical and experimental probabilities.
Determine the theoretical probability using a variety of strategies.
Determine which probability and counting concepts apply to the game that you have
Apply the concepts to the game, or clearly indicate why a major concept applies.
Accurately describe calculations and methods used to determine probabilities.
1. Write down the rules of your game.
2. Explain the concepts that we addressed in class that relate to the probability of your game.
Concept How does this concept connect to my game?
3. Determine the theoretical probability of winning your game.
4. Determine the theoretical probability of not winning your game.
5. Determine the theoretical probability of winning your game at least once.
6. Compare and contrast the similarities and differences between the experimental and theoretical
probability of your game. Explain why/why not there are differences between the experimental and
theoretical probability of your game.
Theoretical Probability Experimental Probability
Similarity Similarity
Difference Difference

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Create an application called based on this specification

Create the three (3) programs based on the specifications below.

Make sure your programs:

  1. Provide a pleasant user experience
  2. Contain appropriate comments throughout the code
  3. Adheres to proper style/conventions (e.g. indentation, case of identifiers, etc.)


Program #1 (40 points)

Create an application called based on this specification.

  1. Ask which size pizza a customer wants. They should type in a single character.

Choices: (S)mall, (M)edium, (L)arge

  1. Ask which type of crust again using a single character.

Choices: (H)and-tossed, (D)eep-dish

  1. Ask if the user wants each of the toppings in the chart below using (Y)es or (N)o questions.
  2. Output the order details in a meaningful way. Remember you have “artistic” control over this part. Make sure it has all relevant data that an employee or customer might need including, but not limited to: pizza order details, subtotal, sales tax, and grand total.
  3. Ask how much payment is received from the customer.
  4. Output change due the customer.


Toppings Additional Cost
Size Cheese Pizza Cost * Pepperoni Sausage Onion Mushroom Extra Cheese
Small $10.00 $1.00 $1.00 $0.50 $0.50 $0.75
Medium $13.00 $2.00 $2.00 $0.75 $0.75 $1.00
Large $16.00 $3.00 $3.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.25
  • Hand-Tossed or Deep-Dish price is the same
  • Sales tax rate 9.25%


Make sure your program has these components:

  1. A pleasant user experience
  2. Appropriate comments throughout your code
  3. Proper style/conventions (e.g. indentation, case of identifiers, etc.)


Program #2 (20 points)

Create an application called c based on this specification.

Put the name of your favorite animal in a variable called “name”. Using a WHILE loop, ask the user to guess an animal’s name until they get it correct. After they get it correct, tell them how many tries it took to guess.


Program #3 (20 points)

Create an application called based on this specification.

Using a FOR loop, create the song 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall counting down from 99 to 0:

99 bottles of beer on the wall.

99 bottles of beer.

Take one down; pass it around.

98 bottles of beer on the wall. 


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The biblical basis for understanding culture presented in these devotionals is essential material that you will be expected to understand and on which you will be evaluated

The biblical basis for understanding culture presented in these devotionals is essential material that you will be expected to understand and on which you will be evaluated. So, the devotionals are key course content. Evaluation of this devotional is graded on a participation only basis. To receive points for the unit devotional, you must write one original post of approximately 150 words in response to your instructor’s prompt. Content of the posting is not graded. However, you need to understand the material presented in the devotionals as it will often be integrated into other writing assignments.

During the final week of this course, we will consider more deeply our cultural lenses and how they affect the reading of Christianity’s most sacred text, the Bible.

Dr. Allen Yeh, professor, missiologist, and author of Majority World Theologies: Theologizing from Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Ends of the Earth, presents compelling insight regarding how different parts of the world have different theologies though we all study the same Bible. He posits that truth is God’s perspective, and theology is human attempts to articulate God’s truth which is inevitably filtered through our own cultural lenses and language and experiences.

Yeh uses the term “majority world” to denote the collective name for Africa, Asia, and Latin America. He points out some things that the majority world focuses on in their theology, versus what the Western world tends to focus on.

Western theology often spends a lot of time discussing:

  • mode of baptism: paedobaptism vs. credobaptism; dunking vs. sprinkling
  • status of the papacy
  • Calvinism vs. Arminianism
  • complementarianism vs. egalitarianism
  • cessationism/dispensationalism vs. the continuing of the gifts of the Spirit
  • Sola fide vs. The New Perspective on Paul
  • inerrancy vs. infallibility
  • which Bible translation is best: KJV vs. NIV vs. ESV

More specifically, the white church in the United States tends to see certain things as normal facets of Christianity: youth pastors, quiet time, overseas mission trips and raising support, acoustic guitars, having a specific calling, with a lot of emphasis on individual identity. If you have spent time in churches outside of the US, you know that church doesn’t look the same everywhere.

Majority World theology might spend more time focused on the following:

  • Honor/shame
  • Ancestor worship, evil spirits
  • Persecution
  • Occult/shamanism/witchcraft/magic/sorcery
  • Poverty
  • Conflict
  • Engaging false religions / power encounter
  • Polygamy

Dr. Yeh suggests that there are errors in Western theologies that Majority World theologies can help correct such as:

  • Excessive individualism
  • An excluded middle (Westerners tend to see two tiers: this world (visible) and the other world (invisible), with nothing in between; the “middle” is the unseen in this world)
  • Materialism as a key to happiness
  • Over-reliance on Enlightenment thinking
  • Paucity of pneumatology (study of the Holy Spirit)
  • Excessive triumphalism instead of a theology of lament
  • Soterian gospel (only focused on “Jesus died for your sins” rather than the Kingdom of God)
  • Regarding salvation as just a moment rather than as a process
  • MTD (Moralistic Therapeutic Deism)
  • Starting the Gospel with us (our own sin) instead of starting and ending with God (he is Alpha & Omega)
  • Lack of emphasis on prayer
  • Focus more on programs over people
  • Being time-oriented over relationship-oriented
  • See warfare as political/physical rather than spiritual
  • Overemphasis on ecclesiological identity (denominations)
  • Focusing on propositional truth over hospitality
  • Not valuing the wisdom of elders/parents

Lists used with permission from Dr. Yeh’s workshop presentation at the 2020 SCORR Conference at Biola University.


  • Consider Yeh’s list of Western theology “errors” and reflect on the areas you desire to learn more about from a different perspective. Are there areas you are uncomfortable with or perhaps don’t consider an error based on your cultural and/or theological lens?

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community-level strategic plan

For this assignment, you will research and prepare a community-level strategic plan that addresses a key public health issue. Potential topics may include: Using prenatal and infancy home visits to prevent child abuse and neglect Preventing falls in the elderly Reducing population salt intake Reducing tobacco use among adults Preventing risky sexual behavior among youth and young adults Reducing drug experimentation among young adults Include the following in your paper: Introduction: Provide an overview of the community health issue as described in Part A with identified causes and influences, including knowledge gaps. Detail the prevalence of the issue inside and outside the United States. Describe potential monetary costs associated with the issue in the United States. You must include data as part of your introduction (images, charts, graphs, etc., may be included as well as written data). Describe advance practice roles and management strategies that affect change at the community level. Identify key community and social resources that negatively and positively affect the selected issue. Identify changes or enhancements in community-related services for your selected topic. Develop a strategic plan that could decrease the prevalence of your selected topic.The goals for this plan needs to be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. Include how your plan takes into consideration health literacy, socioeconomic factors, and cultural differences. Conclusion: A summary of the goals and challenges An assessment of the outlook for action/progress Appendix A: Include your community assessment from Week 3 as Appendix A. Your paper should be 3–5 pages in length (not including the cover or reference pages). Use APA throughout. Include 2–3 scholarly sources that are carefully selected and appropriate to the topic. References should be current—no more than four years ol

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Consider a Ramsey economy that is on its balanced growth path. The level of government spending is G. Suppose that at time 0, the government goes into war and hence increases its spending.

1. Consider a Ramsey economy that is on its balanced growth path. The level of government
spending is G. Suppose that at time 0, the government goes into war and hence increases its
spending. Assume that this is an unanticipated shock. In response to this people anticipate
that the rate of population growth will be lower in the future.
(a) How does these affect the c˙ = 0 and ˙k = 0 (20%)
(b) What are dynamics after time 0? (20%)
(c) How do the values of c and k on the new balanced growth path compare to their values on
the old balanced growth path? (10%)
2. Consider a variation of the OLG model in which people may die at the end of the first period.
At the beginning of the second period of their lives, people die with probability (1 − p) and
live with probability p. They do not know during the first period of their lives whether they
will die or not. There is no time discounting. Their expected utility (which they maximize) is
E(U) = ln(c1) + p × ln(c2), where c2 is what they will consume in period 2, if they live that
long. The production function is y = k
, and there is no population growth.
Assume that when people die their wealth is distributed among the remaining members of
their generation. Assume that there are a sufficiently large number of people in each generation
so that there is no uncertainty about the size of bequests that survivors will receive. Also assume
that interest is earned by the capital belonging to the deceased before this capital is divided
up among the survivors.
(a) Write down the single period and lifetime budget constraints of an individual. Call the
amount that she receives as a bequest b. (10%)
(b) Solve for the individual’s optimal saving in period 1 as a function of b, r, and w. (10%)
(c) Solve for b as a function of the amount of capital in the second period. (10%)
(d) Put everything together into a difference equation for k. (10%)
(e) How does a decrease in p (that is, an increase in the probability of premature death) affect
the steady-state capital stock? (10%)

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testing of amino acids

Describe an experiment you can conduct to show presence of amino acids in a food substrate

The Subjection of Women

Read The Subjection of Women, Chapter 1. Analyze the women question and respond. Base your analysis on the themes and concepts from the readings and lectures. Provide evidence for any arguments you make with quotes and paraphrases accompanied by in-text citations and a Works Cited page. Any outside sources must be properly cited.

500 Words in MLA format – Parenthetical citations for in text citations. Works cited for references and cover page


The Laramie Project

After reading the play, The Laramie Project, post your reaction(s), e.g. to the language used, to the storyline, to the situation, or whatever caught your positive or negative responses while reading the play.


Make sure you Respond to the topic clearly and with supporting details



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Communication and collaboration in your workplace.

The Joint Commission reported that [poor] communication was the root cause of 66% of Sentinel Events between 1995-2005. Examine the communication and collaboration in your workplace. Include these aspects:

  • The components necessary for effective interpersonal communication.
  • Discuss the importance of interprofessional collaboration.
  • Apply components of interpersonal communication to interprofessional collaboration.
  • Discuss strategies to promote interprofessional collaboration.
  • Describe effective strategies to build interprofessional teams.
  • Cultural competence