For this assignment, students will identify a health issue that matters to them then find a related bill in the state or federal legislature and write an email message to be sent to their local senator or representative encouraging them to support their cause

For this assignment, students will identify a health issue that matters to them then find a related bill in the state or federal legislature and write an email message to be sent to their local senator or representative encouraging them to support their cause. The assignment should include the following components:


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You need to build an automated order entry system for a large retailer, but the resource people assigned to help you have no technical expertise and seem to view your project with suspicion

You need to build an automated order entry system for a large retailer, but the resource people assigned to help you have no technical expertise and seem to view your project with suspicion. What are some ways to make people comfortable and assure cooperation? How can you make sure that you obtained all of the necessary information?


Required Materials and Textbook(s)
Essentials of Systems Analysis and Design – Valacich/George/Hoffer, 6th edition, Pearson.


Chapter 5: Determining Systems Requirements – What practices and structures are used in requirement determination? This chapter shows how to devise a joint application design session and how business process reengineering can shape requirements determination.

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You must create an annotated bibliography of technical resources with various data collection methods for this assignment. 

You must create an annotated bibliography of technical resources with various data collection methods for this assignment.

Begin by locating five research articles related to a technical topic of interest. Each of the resources must employ a  different way of collecting data. In each annotation, describe the data collection method and collected data.

Length: 6-page academic paper, not including title and reference pages

The completed assignment should address all assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course. The writing should integrate scholarly resources, reflect academic expectations and current APA standards, and submit a plagiarism report.

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Discuss the background and enforcement of the Sherman Act, the Clayton Act, and the FTC Act.

Discuss the background and enforcement of the Sherman Act, the Clayton Act, and the FTC Act.
Discuss how the Clayton Act strengthens the Sherman Act. Discuss monopolies and mergers.
Do you think it is possible to acquire a monopoly position solely by virtue of hard work?
find a recent case involving claims of monopolization. Briefly explain why it is important to the discussion for this week.

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Determine whether stock prices are affected more by long-term or short-term performance. Provide an example of the effect that supports your claim


Stock prices are affected more by the long-term performance because short-term performance can only affect the immediate movement of the stock price whereas the long-term performance of the company will be deciding the ultimate road for the company. One can say that the short-term effects are not sustainable for longer periods and the long-term trajectory of a company will decide the company’s future and the company’s stock price in the long run. For example, during COVID crisis big company stocks like Apple and Amazon had fallen from their highs of about 40 to 50%, whereas the long-term trajectory of these companies was higher and they recovered over 100% from the lows within a short span of months so it can be said that long-term trajectory of a stock will be deciding the stock performance.

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Conduct an internet search focusing on alternative methods of preventative care

 Alternative Preventative Measures

Discussion Topic

Top of FormBottom of Form

Discussion Prompt

Conduct an internet search focusing on alternative methods of preventative care, i.e spiritual care, pet care, music therapy, etc. Compile a minimum of three (3) internet resources that address preventative health care and post to the DB.  Discuss the benefits and limitations to each resource, how these resources can be incorporated into patient care, and what population would benefit most from these.


Initial Post:

APA format with intext citations

Word count minimum of 250, not including references.

References: 2 high-level scholarly references within the last 5 years in APA format.

Plagiarism free.

Turnitin receipt.

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You have just won the Strayer Lottery jackpot of $11,000,000

Answer these questions in a 1–2 page paper.

  1. You have just won the Strayer Lottery jackpot of $11,000,000. You will be paid in 26 equal annual installments beginning immediately. If you had the money now, you could invest it in an account with a quoted annual interest rate of 9% with monthly compounding of interest.
    1. Calculate the present value of the payments you will receive. Show your calculations using formulas in your paper or in an attached spreadsheet file.
    2. Explain why there is a difference between the present value of the Strayer lottery jackpot and the future value of the 26 annual payments based on your calculations and the information provided.
  2. Compare the information about risk and return indicated by different bond ratings. Support your answer with references to research.
    1. Use various bond websites to locate one of each of the following bond ratings: AAA, BBB, CCC, and D. Research the differences between the bond ratings, the required interest rates, and the risk. List the websites used as sources for this research.
    2. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of each rating.

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The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of practice and theory in your area of specialization. Select a client, client system or target population from your graduate level social work field practicum.

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of practice and theory in your area of specialization. Select a client, client system or target population from your graduate level social work field practicum. The selected client or client system should reflect your chosen specialization. If your specialization is mental health, you should chose an individual with mental health and/or substance abuse issues and concerns. The client system you choose for your paper should be a real case from your field placement. If you have an issue or problem with selecting a case from your field placement, please see or talk with your instructor. All exceptions must be approved by the instructor. In no circumstances are family members, friends, or characters from media to be used as the client system in the paper. Use mental health and substance use. This is a paper you will add on too. I will post multiple times. If i assign this to you, you will need to bid each time it is posted to over a period of time. You are to complete the Client Situation and Human Behavior and the Social Environment in this section. The client is a mental health patient, he is a middle aged male with schizophrenia and is a alcoholic. You are to get creative and add on to what I have came up with. Client Situation 2-3 pages Describe the client system. (e.g., individual, family, other small group, larger group, team, program, agency, organization or community) and the client’s situation that is the reason for your intervention. Include a discussion of how this client’s situation fits into your area of specialization. For example, if your area of specialization is mental health, describe how the client’s issues/concerns fit the definition of mental health, mental illness, and/or mental well-being. Apply, synthesize and analyze knowledge, theory, and skills in relation to the client system. Human Behavior and the Social Environment 2-3 pages Select and describe one or more of the most relevant HBSE theories that contribute to the client’s issues and concerns. Briefly explain the theory and how this theory is relevant to your client’s area of concern/problem situation.

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Find an advertisement for a product/service that you find interesting.

FYI…You can also find the below information and additional explanation in the attachment (See Attachment). Instructions: Find an advertisement for a product/service that you find interesting. Your job will be to analyze the ad and tell me about what the firm is trying to accomplish in its segmenting of the market, its target market, and its positioning within the market. Be sure to include a link to the ad or a copy of your ad with your write up. No Page Limit; I would expect the average paper to be 5 pages, double-spaced. Formatting: I recognize that many professors have strict formatting requirements for their papers. I am not one of those professors. I honestly do not have any formatting requirements whatsoever, except that you provide a header for each of the five sections. Do what works best for you; I promise that I am grading on the quality of your responses. Only I read your papers. Only I grade your papers. I don’t have TAs doing this, they cause me way too many problems. Best for all of us if I’m the only one reading and grading your papers. If you cite something, make it so that I can ascertain where the information comes from. Pick your favorite citing style…MLA, APA, LOL, BFF, L8R or anything else that works for you. (yes, I made up the last few of those). I am equally adept at reading single- and double-spaced papers (probably a bit rusty on triple-spaced papers). Headings for the different sections of the paper are needed but type size/font/margins/spacing are all completely irrelevant to me. You should be graded on the quality of your responses, not on your ability to follow some arbitrary set of rigid guidelines that do not positively impact your paper in any way (any guesses who lost a lot of points for not following inane format/margin directions when he was an undergrad??). The 5 Sections of your paper should be: 1. (10 points) Tell me about the product that is being advertised o Brand name ▪ What other products does this brand sell? ▪ In which product/service category(s) does this brand have an offering (give me a general overview, i.e. “Sony competes widely within the consumer electronics in headphones, TVs stereos, digital readers” etc. or “Tom’s shoes competes in footwear and sunglasses industries”)? Be more thorough, but that is an idea of what I am looking for. o What is the product? ▪ Within which product category does your product compete? ▪ What are the main competitors to this product? ▪ How effectively does this product compete within the category? 2. (25 points) Based on the advertisement you chose tell me how you think this brand/firm segmented the market (this is brief just to get you started on the next bullet point). o What demographic segmentation do you think this brand used? o What psychographic segmentation do you think this brand used? o What behavioral segmentation do you think this brand used? 3. (20 points) What is the target market that this advertisement is directed toward? o Use demographic, psychographic, and behavioral segmenting to describe this target market or markets. o Most importantly tell me why you believe this to be true. Build your case based on what you can get out of the advertisement that you chose.4. (30 points) Finally, what the brand’s positioning strategy for this product? This to me is the most important piece of this assignment is telling me why you think that this is the case. o Please construct a Positioning Statement (refer to our STP Step 5 material from Module 2) for the brand being advertised – how is this product positioned? o What is/are the point(s) of differentiation from their primary/secondary competitors o If you had to describe the brand personality, how would you do so? 5. (15 points) Is this ad effective/compelling (remember to include a link to your ad). If you had to make one change to the ad to improve it (and you do for purposes of our paper), how would you suggest the company do this? What goal would be better accomplished by your suggestion(s)? I have high expectations. I will subtract substantial points from papers that are not well written (i.e. misspelled words, poor grammar, and poor readability). PLEASE reread your papers prior to turning them in. Additionally, the above is designed to give you an idea of the content that I need to see in your paper. Make sure that you write a well-organized and easy to read paper.

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To organize and retain the information in this 3-part chapter, create a study guide by [choose only 3] categories

To organize and retain the information in this 3-part chapter, create a study guide by [choose only 3] categories: art, architecture, religion, music, government systems, literature. Give 8 entries per category (i.e., art or religion or etc) entry; then tell why/how each of your entries is important (not just WHAT it is). For each of the 3 categories you choose, give two important things from each sub-section of the chapter: A complete-assignment Word document template is attached. Architecture: Pre-history: Fact 1 + relevance Fact 2 + relevance Sumerian: Fact 1 + relevance Fact 2 + relevance Eqyptian: Fact 1 + relevance Fact 2 + relevance Mycenaen/Minoan (combined): Fact 1 + relevance Fact 2 + relevance Here’s what a sample entry looks like: Guilds: Middle Ages tradesmen groups who collected dues, set prices and wages, contributed to causes (stained glass windows for churches), trained apprentices, offered a form of insurance. Why Important? Very much like today’s Unions.

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