Entries by Collegly

As individuals, we seek out others to communicate with to fulfill basic needs and interpersonal purposes. But when we do not have the opportunity to fulfill these needs, we crave to communicate even more.

As individuals, we seek out others to communicate with to fulfill basic needs and interpersonal purposes. But when we do not have the opportunity to fulfill these needs, we crave to communicate even more. Communication contexts have morphed to include not only face-to-face interactions, but online social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. These sites, as […]

In business, sports, politics, and many other fields there are probably countless situations akin to the

In business, sports, politics, and many other fields there are probably countless situations akin to the prisoner’s dilemma where players acting in their own self-interest do not produce an ideal outcome. Likewise, some player dynamics also illustrate other game theory concepts like a game of chicken, credible threats/commitments, and other similar concepts. Use at least one […]

 The Internet is often seen as an alternative to the dominance of media conglomerates. As you can see from the poll below, many people are civically active nowadays. 

The Internet is often seen as an alternative to the dominance of media conglomerates. As you can see from the poll below, many people are civically active nowadays. Furthermore, many people rely on social networks and user generated content to get informed about politics. What political consequences do these changes have? What are some negative […]

Discussion Preparation activity, identify and discuss the top three goals of an investigatory search

Discussion Preparation activity, identify and discuss the top three goals of an investigatory search. Next, discuss the “elephant-in-a-matchbox” doctrine and how failure to adhere to this doctrine could result in a violation of Fourth Amendment requirements regarding reasonable searches and seizures. What challenges do you see that might make it difficult to adhere to this doctrine?

OSHA assignment help and answers

OSHA assignment help and answers. I have a number of modules about OSHA and need help in the following Hearing Safety Hazard Recognition Materials Handling Machine Guarding Blood borne Pathogens Lockout Tag out Disaster Readiness Disaster Readiness Fire Protection & Prevention Walking and working surface safety Leadership Skills for Safety Job Safety Analysis incident investigation […]

What Is the IoT

What Is the IoT? How Does It Affect You? Download Our White Paper Report to Learn More. Understand the Issues and Challenges of a More Connected World. Read More Now. Join the Internet Society. Join the Discussion. Free Membership. Internet Policy. Global Locations.