Investigate 3 other civilizations’ creation myths and compare it to the Genesis one

Investigate 3 other civilizations’ creation myths and compare it to the Genesis one. What are the similarities? Most importantly, give examples of at least 3 commonalities that all of the stories illustrate, and speculate why those commonalities exist. Research art from early Chinese, Indian, Aboriginal, African, or Native American cultures (choose 3). How do these art forms compare to those included in this chapter? Which are they most like? Least like? Which characteristics of style and function do they share? View the Virtual Lascaux ( Use the interactive tools to explore. Examine at least three areas of the cave and report what you found. Why do you believe that people chose to create art in such an inaccessible place? Research 2 other possible reasons for those paintings’ being created there. In a 20-item list, give the story of the myth of Osiris and Isis (including the Horus part). What was the significance of the myth of Isis and Osiris to the ancient Egyptians? How is it similar to, or how has it influenced, other religions/religious traditions today? In what area(s) today do we see similar ideas? Consider the sculpture Victory Stele of Narem-Sin (Fig. 1.20) What is happening in this depiction? Why would the artist have chosen that particular subject? Describe the purpose of the object in terms of a political statement. What specific features of the relief demonstrate the hierarchy of the figures? Also address the issue of scale of the individual figures in relation to this hierarchy.Investigate Hammurabi’s code: what was it, give examples from it, and why/how did it spread so far? Which one or two laws strike you as the most odd? Which laws are much like today’s? Why would King Hammurabi have written down (okay, carved!) laws in the first place? The ancient Egyptians believed that the actual body must be preserved in order for the spirit to recognize it in the Underworld. Today, there is a new method for disposing of a dead body: This Might Replace Burial or Cremation. It is the 3rd major innovation in body disposal options: first was Egyptian mummification, then cremation, then this one. What was your initial reaction? What would your grandparents think about this method? Your parents? Your friends? Would YOU utilize this method? Why and why not? Can you see both sides? How is a culture’s or religion’s mindset shown by its method of either preserving a body or disposing of a body? Most people believe they know who built the pyramids. However, Dr. Mark Lehner discovered several things that showed who really did it. What did he find? (a list with short explanations for each point is fine here). Why would these discoveries rule out much “slave labor”? Be sure to answer all parts of this questions in detail. Several leaders of Egypt were women. The most famous was Hatshepsut. Research what is known about her life and accomplishments. What happened to her? Why? (guess). Who was Thutmose III and why was he significant to Hatshepsut’s reign? What is the situation with women and leadership in Egypt in the past 100 years? Read the 42 sins from the Book of the Dead listed in the chapter section “Righteousness as the Path to Rebirth.” What similarities do you see between those and other religious codes you may know of? Why do you think those similarities exist? Explain your answer.

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