
Research website Healthy People 2030. There are 358 measurable public health objectives to be meet by year 2030.
a. As a student and community leader, review, select, and document one (1) objective that you can assist in meeting. Determine a timeline for completion.
b. Critically think of the process and steps you will take to meet the objective. Gain comments from family and friends to help with your thoughts and findings.
c. Create a flowchart and a timeline chart to present your steps of the Healthy People 2030 objective to the community.

Nursing-Managed Care

Read chapter 9 materials and complete the following in order for Managed Care:
o Managed Care Introduction
o Managed Care PowerPoint
o Health Insurance (video)
o Medicaid (video)
o Pay for Performance
o Genetic Testing
Complete Study:
1. In the managed care arena, what is capitation? Who are the “Gatekeeper” and their duties?
2. What are the alternative(s) to managed care? For Americans, what issues does managed care raise?
3. How do PPOs differ from HMOs?
4. Provide information on the HEDIS abbreviation, purpose, its responsibility to consumers, and its effects on quality in healthcare. Surf the Internet.
5. Continue your search to report on HEDIS to offer information and compare managed care providers. Go to: Search the website to learn about the data elements. Your goal will be to access performance for HEDIS Measures Effectiveness of Care:
a. Use the 2016-2020 Quality Measurement Report to briefly summarize the chronic diseases measured for:
• Adult BMI Assessment
• Lead Screening
• Cervical Cancer
6. Research Internet for Outpatient Clinical Documentation Improvement Program. Provide a brief overview. (Hint: You will be asked to research for discussion posting)
7. Search the Internet to determine the steps Managed Care organization are doing to prevent fraud and abuse among patients and health care providers. Address each party (patients and providers). You must list and explain at least three fraud and abuse tactic.
8. Determine the role of managed care in the health information exchange (HIE). Search the Internet to enhance your knowledge. Briefly discuss your understanding of HIEs. (Do not copy and paste)
9. Access the “Insurance Ranking” website on the Managed Care Websites listed in the lesson. Submit grid below and required data with Study Guide questions. On the last line, you choose a health plan located in Florida and submit findings in the Discussion Forum (specify why you choose the health plan):

Nursing-Case Study

You are the newly appointed director of quality management at a medium-sized MCO that was originally a group model but now have about half of its members cared for by physicians in a network model arrangement. NCQA has recently adopted and promulgated a new set of measures for quality of care of diabetics and you know that the results will be publicized, with customers encouraged to use them to choose plans. Much of the information needed is available in your administrative data a set, which includes frequency of visits, laboratory tests, etc. You note with both interest and concern that the performance of the network physicians is nowhere near as good as that of the large group practice that is the out-growth of your old staff model arrangements. You are also very aware that patients must be active partners if your plan is going to do well on these measures, since so many of the events are ones in which patients must choose to receive care.
1. What steps would you take to improve quality in this area?
2. Should you use financial incentives or other means with the doctors?
3. What will you do with respect to patients known to be diabetic?
4. Is there any use you could make of the difference in baseline performance between the two sets of doctors?


Your 73-year-old Uncle Henry lives in Pennsylvania and is looking for a Medicare PPO to join. It is open enrollment and he has asked for your help. Uncle Henry knows that you work as a Health Information Technician and you have knowledge about health plans. He has several chronic diseases including diabetes, hypertension, and Parkinson’s disease. In particular, he wants to join a PPO that is highly rated for helping individuals live with their illnesses. Help Uncle Henry create a report card on the HEDIS website to evaluate the health plans. Search the website: Which health plan would be the best selection and why?


See the detailed Historical Reflection directions for information about requirements and scoring rubric. For Part I, identify and explain three significant statements, or “gold nuggets” from this week’s historical sources.

Part II:
For Part II, prepare a three-paragraph response to this key question:

Based upon the evidence examined this week, did WW II unleash permanent liberating changes for women, or did the post-war period bring about a loss of war-time gains and opportunities? Consider our nation’s diverse population of women as you develop a three-paragraph response.

Support your interpretation with specific evidence from this week’s historical sources. Do not include evidence from additional sites and resources not included in this week’s resources. Keep quoted content to less than 20% of your response. Prepare a minimum of three paragraphs responding to this question. (Keep in mind that paragraphs generally consist of five to seven sentences).

A Night Out By O’ Henry

A Night Out By O’ Henry

1. Do you think chandler has done the right thing?
2. Chandler pretended to be someone he was not . If you could be anyone in the world, who would you be and why ?

Portfolio Beta

Your investment club has only two stocks in its portfolio.$20,000 is invested in a stock with a beta of 0.7, and $35,000 is invested in a stock with a beta of 1.3. What is the portfolio’s beta?

international economics

Throughout the course, you have learned about different aspects of international economics. For this assignment, you will
be applying what you have learned to complete a final, comprehensive assignment.
Research a region that is moving toward greater economic integration (possible examples: North American countries, the
African Union, and the Gulf Cooperation Council among many others). Then, compose a paper that encompasses the
following elements that are listed below.
Graphically display patterns of trade among the countries in the region. This can be done with a pie chart or whichever
type of chart or graph you find most appropriate.
Describe the degree of economic integration in the region.
Define a free trade area, and apply that definition to your chosen region.
Use two countries from the region and apply the factor-endowment model of trade to the expected trade patterns.
Use the same two countries and assess how external economies of scale will affect the countries (i.e., which industries
will be affected and how).
Discuss recent changes in trade policy for the region (and/or changes that are likely to take place in the near future).
Discuss the role international trade has played in the economic development of countries in the region.
Apply the criteria for an optimum currency area to the region.
Your completed assignment must be at least three pages in length, and you must use at least three academic resources,
one of which must be from the CSU Online Library. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including intext
citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

Psychology-analysis of a song

Think of a song and/or a set of lyrics that means something to you or that has influenced your life in some way, and use three of the theories outlined you chose.

International Economics-Journal

Identify a good or service that you are familiar with and have utilized. It could be related to your work or perhaps a product that you are familiar with from home use. Research the current state of international trade for that product. Propose an additional country for international expansion. Present your recommendations with a PowerPoint presentation. The presentation should include the items listed below.

• Compose a graph or pie chart that illustrates the current and recent historical status of trade between the domestic country and the country identified for international expansion. This should be an original graph, not one that is found and copied/pasted.
• Explain the sources of comparative advantage for the domestic production versus the country identified for international expansion.
• Compare the gains from specialization versus the potential for increasing opportunity costs when expanding production to serve the new country.

Your PowerPoint presentation must be at least 10 slides in length, not counting the title and reference slides, and it must include either an audio recording for each slide or speaker notes that detail the information located on each slide. You must use at least three academic resources in your presentation. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.