Cell Structure and Function:
1. Cell Structure and Function:
a) What is the basic unit of life?
b) Name three organelles found in plant cells.
c) What is the function of the cell membrane?
2. Classification of Living Things:
a) What is the difference between vertebrates and invertebrates?
b) Name three types of mammals.
c) How are plants classified into different groups?
3. Human Body:
a) What is the function of the heart?
b) How do bones support our bodies?
c) Name the five senses.
4. Plant Life:
a) What is photosynthesis?
b) How do plants reproduce?
c) Name three parts of a flower and their functions.
5. Ecosystems:
a) What is a food chain?
b) Explain the role of decomposers in an ecosystem.
c) Define the term “habitat.”
6. Adaptations and Behavior:
a) How do animals adapt to their environments?
b) What is hibernation?
c) Name one instinctive behavior of animals.
7. Microorganisms:
a) What are bacteria?
b) How are fungi different from plants?
c) Name a disease caused by a virus.
8. Life Cycles:
a) Describe the life cycle of a butterfly.
b) What is metamorphosis?
c) How do frogs breathe?
9. Genetics:
a) What is DNA?
b) How are traits passed from parents to offspring?
c) Define the term “gene.”
10. Environmental Conservation:
a) Why is it important to conserve water?
b) Name one way to reduce air pollution.
c) How can you contribute to conserving biodiversity