To organize and retain the information in this 3-part chapter, create a study guide by [choose only 3] categories
To organize and retain the information in this 3-part chapter, create a study guide by [choose only 3] categories: art, architecture, religion, music, government systems, literature. Give 8 entries per category (i.e., art or religion or etc) entry; then tell why/how each of your entries is important (not just WHAT it is). For each of […]
Investigate 3 other civilizations’ creation myths and compare it to the Genesis one
Investigate 3 other civilizations’ creation myths and compare it to the Genesis one. What are the similarities? Most importantly, give examples of at least 3 commonalities that all of the stories illustrate, and speculate why those commonalities exist. Research art from early Chinese, Indian, Aboriginal, African, or Native American cultures (choose 3). How do these […]
Describe differences between theoretical and experimental probabilities
Performance Task #2 [ALL] MDM4U0 Learning Goal: We are learning to… solve probability and counting problems and design and carry out a culminating investigation that requires the integration and application of the knowledge and skills related to the expectations of this course. . Success Criteria Level 4 Describe differences between theoretical and experimental probabilities. Determine […]