For this assignment, students will identify a health issue that matters to them then find a related bill in the state or federal legislature and write an email message to be sent to their local senator or representative encouraging them to support their cause

For this assignment, students will identify a health issue that matters to them then find a related bill in the state or federal legislature and write an email message to be sent to their local senator or representative encouraging them to support their cause. The assignment should include the following components: Senator or Representative’s name: […]

You need to build an automated order entry system for a large retailer, but the resource people assigned to help you have no technical expertise and seem to view your project with suspicion

You need to build an automated order entry system for a large retailer, but the resource people assigned to help you have no technical expertise and seem to view your project with suspicion. What are some ways to make people comfortable and assure cooperation? How can you make sure that you obtained all of the […]

You must create an annotated bibliography of technical resources with various data collection methods for this assignment. 

You must create an annotated bibliography of technical resources with various data collection methods for this assignment. Begin by locating five research articles related to a technical topic of interest. Each of the resources must employ a  different way of collecting data. In each annotation, describe the data collection method and collected data. Length: 6-page […]